
Showing posts from June, 2024

Can, you can, oh my Baby! (A Poem/Song)

Being born in some of the poorest of neighbourhoods, I had seen many of the struggles that people had endured to live life one moment of time. But what has struck me the most is the struggle of couples, when one of them (usually the man) has to travel outside one's town in search of work, leaving the family there at home. This poem is about how even in the midst of these straining times, the couple maintains that trust in their relationship through letters (in the olden times) or phones (in the modern times) or just through hope (when none of the things are available). This poem is that steering song that both, men and women, sings to each other, affirming their strong conviction and belief in their love for each other, which is firmly rooted despite the increasing physical distance between them.   Old those lanes, still waiting there, For that wedding that we once  planned. That old man is also still there, who blessed us and told that we can! So can, you can, oh my baby!  Even wh